MUSCLE CIA Kinnikuman Parts!

Kinnikuman Part Tree Naochin's Kinnikuman Parts Archives

Welcome to the MUSCLE Colors Image Archive, Kinnikuman Parts.

In March of 2006, over at the Little Rubber Guys forums, a member, Arforbes, revealed a unique Kinnikuman item (above left). He described it as "a whole string of Flesh Kinkeshi from Part 26, still on the factory spurs attached to this spider-like string web connecting all the figures." The rest of us MUSCLE collectors agreed that it was an absolutely amazing find. (You can read more about his find and see more pictures here.) Shortly after learning of this discovery, I made the assumption that MUSCLE figures were created in a similar fashion. I then wondered if there might be a connection between the colors each individual MUSCLE figure was made in and Kinnikuman Parts (above right). It didn't take long for me to confirm there was indeed a connection between Kinnikuman parts and colored MUSCLE figures and for Universal Ruler Supreme to discover the nature and depth of the connection using data available at the MUSCLEDB.

At long last, the MUSCLE color code had been broken, and a pattern had been found allowing us to determine 1) just how many MUSCLE figures are available in color, and, 2) in which colors each individual MUSCLE figure is available!

What you'll find by clicking on the links below is an archive of colored MUSCLE figures arranged by their "original" Kinnikuman parts and the group of figures (or "tree") within the part with whom they shared a mold. You'll notice that above certain columns is a label indicating whether that color is common, uncommon, or rare. For an indepth explanation of how the Kinnikuman Parts section of the archive was arranged, and how the MUSCLE "color code" works, check out this page.

You'll notice at the bottom of certain parts a row containing figures labeled "Non-MUSCLE sculpt Kinnikuman." These figures are Japanese Kinnikuman sculpts that were unfortunately not made into American MUSCLE figures. You can learn more about these figures here. (The images of these figures with the light background are from Naochin's Kinkeshi Archives.)

If you know the MUSCLE number of a particular figure, and would like to know which Kinnikuman part it belongs to, simply check the alternate text of the Flesh image of that figure while viewing the MUSCLE numbers archive by either hanging your mouse over it for a moment or right-clicking on it and selecting "properties."

Finally, while many collectors have contributed in many ways to this archive, I would like to offer special thanks to the following individuals!

Alex Forbes for contributing what I guesstimate to be about 90% of the images in this archive. Included were hundreds of common figures needed to flesh out the archive, as well as dozens of rare and uncommon figures. Furthermore, Alex informed me in December of 2008 that he had reached an amazing milestone in the world of MUSCLE collecting: He had completed a full set of all 1528 MUSCLE figures! Congratulations Alex and thanks for all your help assembling the MUSCLE Colors Image Archive.

Universal Ruler Supreme for providing all the information about the trees, including the sculpt composition of each, the colors in which each sculpt was made, and the availibilty of each color. (See the Kinnikuman Parts section of the archive for details.)

Nathan Newell for designing the original html framework for the archive.

Luke Oram for the brilliant artwork on the home page!

Thanks for stopping by!

- Soupie

Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven
Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven Part Twelve Part Thirteen Part Fourteen
Part Fifteen Part Sixteen Part Seventeen Part Eighteen Part Nineteen Part Twenty Part Twenty One